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Working Dogs

Wolfsbane K9 Belgian Malinois Dogs


Working Dogs Online




German Shepherd Dog

Seller Information
K-9 Information

I am a: Breeder
Name: Gabriela Galvasova
City/Town: Prague
State/County: Czech Republic
Zip/Post Code: 47201
Country: Prague

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Name: Tikko
Age: 4 months
Sex: M

Sire: Wesley z Adaru
HD 0/0, ED 0/0, BH-VT, IGP1, IGP2, IGP3
start at the championship of the Czech Republic IGP3

Dam: Werra Majoruv haj
HD 0/0, ED 0/0, ZVV1
Parents Titled: Yes

Listed: 23rd, Mar 2024
Updated: 1st, Sep 2024
Additional Information

Registration: FCI

Colour: Black

Price / Availability

Price: Email Me
This K-9 is !!SOLD!!
Training Details

Tikko is black 4 months old male.
He is very active, lively and happy with a balanced temperament.
Is a very nice male. Big and strong. He is used to being ordered around by a child.
He is suitable for sports, family watching, breeding.
Tikko loves toys, great prey drive.
He likes contact with people and children, is used to other dogs and can live both in the house and in the garden.

He has a quality working pedigree, his ancestors own top ratings at the Czech and World Championships.
He has no external defects.
Leads the blood in the pedigree.
Bart ze Stribrneho kamene
BH, IPO 1, IPO 2, IPO 3, 5x Race - start at the championship of the Czech Republic IPO3, CACT, HD 0/0, ED 0/0
Faro Demin dvor - V3 Universal Siger, BH, IPO1, IPO2, IPO3, SchH1, SchH2, SchH3, start at the championship of the Slovak Republic, 4x start World championship IPO3, HD 0/0, ED 0/0
Xarka Majoruv haj - ZZO, ZVV1, BH, IPO-VO, IPO2, FPr1, SPr1, HD 0/0, ED 0/0
Kümmel von der Donnerbrücke - Belgischer Leistungssieger 2013: 98-97-96=291 V, qualifiziert für die WUSV 2013
IPO1: 99-98-99=296 V, IPO2: 97-96-97=290 V, IPO3: 99-99-99=297 V, LGA: 98-97-94=289 V 2. Platz
Genotyp: N/N bezgl. PCR (Degenerative Myelopathie) = reinerbig!! (Gentest), HD 0/0, ED 0/0
3x Champion of Belgium, 3x start World championship IPO3 (Javir Talka Marda)
Pendox vom Weinbergblick - HD 0/0, ED 0/0, Rücken ohne Befund alles Tip Top
1 Quali für LGA 2019 96-98-98= 292 V, 2 Quali für LGA 2019 95-93-98 =286V
Grem du Triangle Magique - SchH 3 (highest points at National level) A: 100 B: 97 C: 97, HD 0/0, ED 0/0
Champion of Belgium, 4x start World championship IPO3
Life vom Fürstentum Kaunitz - 4. Platz WUSV-WM 2013 - 96 Punkte in C !!!
4. Platz BSP 2013 - 97 Punkte in C !!!
4. Platz VDH DM 2013 - 96 Punkte in C !!!
2. Platz Bundes FCI 2013 - 95 Punkte in C !!!
Teilnaheme FCI-WM 2013 !!
Sieger LG-FCI 2013 !
2x start World championship IPO3, start at the championship Germany

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